
Dr. Judy Kuriansky is a world renowned radio advice host, international clinical psychologist and certified sex therapist, TV and radio personality, popular lecturer, newspaper columnist, blogger, and author of many books. She is a pioneer of radio call-in advice, and more recently of Internet advice. An adjunct professor at the Clinical Psychology Program at Columbia University Teachers College and visiting professor of Peking University Health Science Center in Beijing, she is also an award-winning journalist and a frequent commentator on international media --including CNN -- on various news issues.
Dr. Judy is on the Advisory Board of several magazines and public service organizations, and works extensively in Asia, Africa, and in other countries on health and women's issues. Known for her relationship advice, Dr. Judy is also expert on emergency mental health services, and has worked at Ground Zero and many other disasters worldwide, including in Haiti, China, Japan and others, and lectures about coping with world conflicts, including in the Middle East.
* Called fondly "Dr. Judy" by her millions of fans, she has been a pioneer of the radio call-in advice format, hosting radio shows for over 22 years, with her popular LovePhones radio show was nationally syndicated in markets around the country.
* Cited by CBS-TV's "48 Hours," Joan Rivers, and Lifetime as the person on the most talk shows the most often and "America's favorite talk show guest," with innumerable appearances on: Sally, Ricki, CNN, GMA, the Today Show, Larry King, and local shows from Boston to Seattle
* Guest commentator on many international TV and radio shows, both taped and live by satellite, including BBC News and CCTV in China.
* Popular lecturer across America, and abroad
* Regular columnist, e.g. the Daily News website, Single Living Magazine, CosmoGirl and writer for magazines from Brides to Boardroom Reports; Currently for Dauily Helath News and a blogger for Huffington Post.
* Author of top-selling books on interpersonal and international relationships, from "How To Love A Nice Guy," and "The Complete Idiot's Guide to A Dating" and "Healthy Relationships" with translations in many languages, as well as original books in Japanese and Chinese, to "Beyond Bullets and Bombs: Grassroots Peace Building Between Palestinians and Israelis"
* Respected psychologist and expert on relationships, creativity and social trends
* Adjunct Professor of Psychology at Columbia University Teachers College
* United Nations NGO representative for several NGOs, e.g. the International Association of Applied Psychology and the World Council for Psychotherapy, and Chair-Elect of the Psychology Coalition at the UN.
* Board of Trustees of the New York City Peace Museum
* Board of Directors, U.S. Doctors for Africa
* Board fr Directors, the Library of American Broadcasting
Professional Background:
Dr. Judy is a clinical psychologist, popular TV and radio personality, author and lecturer. Cited as the "best media psychology can offer" when elected a Fellow to the American Psychological Association, she graduated from Smith College, earned a masters degree at Boston University and Ph.D. from N.Y.U. where she taught psychology. She spent ten years at Columbia Medical Center and London's Maudsley hospital and has conducted hundreds of workshops and published many professional journal articles including in the distinguished American Journal of Psychiatry. Also a certified sex therapist, she is in private practice, worked with the Center for Spirituality and Psychotherapy, and is Adjunct Professor in the Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology at Columbia University Teachers College. She has also been appointed as a visiting professor for various international institutions.
On radio:
Dr. Judy is a pioneer of call-in advice shows. Her made radio history by being one of the first talk shows on WABC Radio, rated #1 in its time slot. In dramatic interactions, she stopped a child molester from shooting his daughter, prevented an obsessed fan from killing a soap star, and married off a law student contemplating suicide. At WOR Radio she added breaking news and celebrity interviews to the format. Her nightly call-in advice show on a music station in New York, "LovePhones" was syndicated around the country and the top-rated nighttime program in many markets. Her work has been featured in much print and electronic media, from the New York Times to Entertainment Tonight and CBS-TV's 48 Hours. Her many awards include the Star Award for Individual Achievement in Radio from the American Women in Radio and TV.
On television:
Dr. Judy has been the host of a variety of talk shows and specials, including the live hour-long call-in show "Money and Emotions" on CNBC-TV. She has also been a feature reporter and contributor to CBS-TV's Morning Show, WCBS-TV News, WABC-TV News, WPIX-TV and LIFETIME, covering issues in mental health, lifestyles, entertainment and the psychological aspects of economic and political trends. She has hosted live satellite broadcasts for JCPenney's "Golden Rule Network" as well as specials like Group W's "No Secrets" and "Teens and AIDS." She co-hosted "Total Wellness for Women," a popular TV show aired in markets in the south, and is sought after for commentary by many news organizations and features from E! Entertainment ("What Men Want, What Women Want") to A&E's Love Chronicles, to GMA, Court TV, Larry King Live and CNN's Wolf Blitzer Reports and TalkBack Live. She appears often on news and talk shows on many stations and websites, including on CNN, Fox -TV, and on the Huffington Post Live webcast
In print:
Dr. Judy has written advice columns for Family Circle Magazine, King Features newspaper, Newsday, the Daily Planet, Chicago Tribune's Womanews, Single Living, Soap Opera Digest, Smug music magazine, CosmoGirl, the Daily News website, as well as internationally for Hanako Magazine and Sankei Shinbun newspaper in Japan, the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong, the Straits Times. She currently is a Huffington Post blogger. Her diverse credits include contributing editor for Boardroom Report's Bottom Line/Personal, the Determinator for Details magazine and an advisory board member for Brides Magazine. She has been written about or quoted extensively in the press, from USA Today and the L.A. Times to People Magazine and Rolling Stone, as well as local papers across the country from the Boston Globe to the Tampa Tribune to the NY Times. Her articles or quotes appear in magazines from Ladies Home Journal to Men's Health. Her popular books include "How To Love A Nice Guy," "Generation Sex," "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Dating," "The Complete Idiots Guide to A Healthy Relationship," and "The Complete Idiots Guide to Tantric Sex," "31 Things to Raise a Child's Self-esteem" as well as four books in Japan, translations in other countries, and several books in China. Other books include "Beyond Bullets and Bombs: Grassroots Peacebuilding between Israelis and Palestinians" and "Living in an Environmentally Traumatized World: Healing Ourselves and our Planet."
Dr. Judy is a pioneer of advice on the internet. Herground-breaking extremely popular site on AOL provided a variety of services, including a live chat show, active bulletin boards, and other daily features offering advice about relationships. One of the first research studies on internet sex advice has been completed regarding user's needs. Dr. Judy has also hosted live chats on Prodigy, theglobe, I.E.G., the Health Network, WebMD, and other on-line services that have drawn some of the largest numbers of members logging on. She has developed several websites and unique video-streamed counseling on cameraplanet, and currently contributes to She is currently a blogger for Huffington Post.
On the lecture circuit:
Dr. Judy captivates audiences with entertaining and informative multi-media presentations, from colleges around the country to organizations from the Houston Women's Financial Council to the State of the World Forum, to the graduation speech for the Women's Campaign School at Yale University. She has addressed scores of health groups, women's and men's groups, singles groups and business organizations, and done promotions for innumerable magazines, beauty companies and department stores. Her workshops cover topics from cutting edge trends in creativity, relationships, sexuality, sales, marketing and management, across the U.S. and around the world from Australia to Brazil.
In advertising and marketing:
Dr. Judy is a popular lecturer for advertising clubs from Atlanta and Fort Smith Arkansas to Great Falls Montana. She has written features for Advertising Age and the Advertising Federation Magazine, and consulted for various advertising agencies. She has been spokesperson for Universal Studios Florida on "Theme Park Therapy" that she developed, as well as for the Durex Global Sex Survey, the Virginia Slims Opinion Poll on the status of men and women over twenty-five years, and a campaign about Holiday Depression for SmithKline Beecham. She is on the Advisory Committee for Lane Bryant's Real Woman and has served as a judge for many contests, including the Herpes Awareness Campaign (for college students' production of the best Public Service Announcement), Revlon's Most Unforgettable Woman contest, and Close-Up's Rap 'n Roll contest. She has also hosted many events, including the launch of MTV's Singled Out cross-country bus tour; Volunteer Recognition Programs for New York Cares, sponsored by Dewars; and singles events for Time Out Magazine and a joint project of Details magazine, Calvin Klein Menswear and Bloomingdales stores.
Activities and Awards:
Dr. Judy is past president of the American Women in Radio and TV's New York chapter and on the National Board for ten years. Among her awards are a medal of service as Governor of the TV Academy in New York, an Olive Award from the Council of Churches, a Freedoms Foundation Award, two Maggie Awards for her work with adolescents, a Police Department commendation for saving a Vietnam Vet from jumping off the top of a building, and the STAR award for Outstanding Achievement in Radio from AWRT. At Smith College she was a Sloan Foundation Science Research Grant awardee. She was co-executive director of the Scientists Committee for Public Information, and is currently a member of the Friars Club and on the Advisory Board of Planned Parenthood and EVE, Environmental Visionary Efforts, a non-profit organization to teach children about the environment. An expert on emergency mental health support, she has worked on relief efforts around the world, including at Ground Zero after 9-11 for the Red Cross, featured on their public service announcements. She collaborated on a major public service campaign about disaster preparedness with the EdieHand Foundation and Cox Radio (endorsed by the governor of Alabama), and has contributed to an emergency survival handbook and lectured widely about this subject. She has received many awards for her word, inlcuding from the Friends of the United Nations, from China and from Haiti organizations.
Humanitarian Projects:
She is on the board of U.S. Doctors for Africa, and with hr UN NGO, and other stakeholders, she co-developed a camp for girls to teach empowerment and entrepreneurship. She also co-founded the Stand Up for Peace Project, with international composer Russell Daisey, which has done seminars and concerts worldwide for peace. She also founded the Global Kids Connect Project which connects children from trauma zones around the world for recovery. a peace activist, she is a Trustee of the New York City Peace Museum.
Besides her professional accomplishments, this contemporary professional is on the Friars Club softball team, and has recently climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. She has previously been a quarterback in football games, and bass guitarist in an all-woman rock band. She grew up a dentist's daughter and army brat, in Kentucky and New York. Her mission is to empower others. It is no wonder that she is thought of as a valued advocate as well as trusted counselor.